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Get to Know... Sarah

Get to Know... Sarah
2 min read

We are continuing to highlight our amazing Echelon Fit instructors in our ‘Get to Know…’ blogs. Keep reading to find out more about Sarah!

Instructor: Sarah Moheb-Ahanchi

Language: French + English

Teaches On: Connect Bike

Studio: London

Instagram: @lifethroughtintedglasses

Meet Sarah

Sarah is our new French instructor based out of the London studio. She's on the regular French timetable, and will sometimes cover classes on the UK timetable, so keep an eye out for her!

Sarah’s Fitness Journey

Sarah is an ex-dancer. She trained in ballet from the age of 4 up until university. She also trained in hip-hop and contemporary dance. Sarah completed a degree in vocals (although she doesn't sing much now!). After her masters she started teaching in the fitness industry, including cycle classes and cycle concepts such as power and rhythm.


Sarah says: "Fitness has really helped me realise the power of the self, and how much your mindset matters, and how moving your body is such a great way to connect to yourself. It keeps me sane!


What Does Sarah Bring to Echelon?

She tries to be as inclusive as possible, from beginners to advanced, fitness is for everyone! She likes to remind people of the power they have within. It’s all about harnessing your self belief.


Sarah likes to use the beat of the music to keep people going too, and every now and then tells a personal story about herself to keep you engaged!


Sarah's Advice for New Members

Do something you LOVE! It doesn’t matter what it is; yoga, Pilates, cycle, if you enjoy it, it’s more likely you’ll keep it going regularly."


New to Echelon? You can join Sarah on your Connect Bike. Her classes are available on-demand and live for Echelon Premier members on the Echelon Fit® app.